“A River Speaks” tells the story of Connecticut’s Mill River, which begins in a swamp in Cheshire and meanders south until it reaches New Haven Harbor and the Long Island Sound. The Mill is only 13 miles long, but a tour along its banks from top to bottom connects the past to the present and the countryside to the city. The documentary explores the complexity of humanity’s relationship with rivers, and with the whole of nature. Rivers are amazing sources of water for drinking and farming, for fishing, and for water sports and recreation. People write songs and poems about them. But people also abuse them. Rivers are used as dumping grounds for human and industrial waste. Road salt, lawn fertilizer, and pesticides pollute them, severely impacting rivers and their ecosystems, and, ultimately, diminishing people’s quality of life.
Where to Watch
A River Speaks premieres on CPTV Spirit on Sunday, March 19, 2023 at 9 p.m.
It will also be available to watch on-demand on this page, on YouTube, and at video.cptv.org.